
This weekend, my WordPress stats gave me a pleasant surprise,


… and even as I publish this post, there are more getting added to the tally.
These are people from all around the world, most of them total strangers to me, who read and appreciate the ancient knowledge and wisdom I try to revive. Who would have thought?!

I know that this is nothing compared to star bloggers who get hundreds of likes for each post and flaunt thousands of following, but whoever followers and likers there are with me, are all very real and nice people who matter, and people for whom this knowledge matters. So a big thanks to all the wonderful people who choose to express their goodwill for Dr. Herbz!

About 10 months ago, when I started Dr. Herbz, it had a very small localized objective. I was a physician fresh out of med school, who had set up a clinic in a locality where there are more doctors than grocery shops per lane. (Bad comparison, I know, but that’s the ground reality I operate in). Add to it the fact that doctors cannot advertise their business commercially, by Indian law. So this blog was just meant to be a showcase of my know-how and expertise, and to serve as secondary wellness consults to my patients. And then I found out something very different, bigger and better. Once I jumped into the ‘blogosphere’, people came in from all directions, and my caravan went swelling on and on, eventually making the world look like a small place.
Today I have readers in every continent of the world (Yes! 🙂 ).The latest to be represented was South America (Thank you, Señor Zurita. Too bad that I am unable to comprehend your language. Never mind, I’ll soon work out a way to translate and read your articles. Till then,).

Also a note for those who followed recently. My following has nearly doubled in the last month or so, so that I have not been able to get back to everybody’s requests and comments personally. Also, I have stopped following new blogs since some time, as my oversubscribed reader feed is literally overflowing already, not allowing me to keep track of everybody through WordPress. So, just keep patience and be assured that even if I don’t follow you back, I’ll still be around there every now and then, once you followed my blog.

Love to all,
Stay healthy, stay Happy!!

– Dr. H.R.

(Image credits:
Taken with thanks from Pakse’s Tumblr)

3 thoughts on “Thanksgiving

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  1. That’s a lot of love in one weekend. It must feel great to be a popular and busy blogger. I can imagine how hard it must be to keep up with the massive following you’re amassing. Best wishes.


    1. Haha, I guess you have an extra large funny bone, and a sarcastic one at that too 😉 . Yet I don’t mind, coz I’m simply not the kind of blogger you’re probably supposing me to be. But yes, I *am* a busy physician in the physical world, so the delays in getting back to peoples’ messages in the virtual world.
      Best regards,


    2. Haha, I guess you have an extra large funny bone, and a sarcastic one at that too! Yet I don’t mind, coz I’m simply not the kind of blogger you’re probably supposing me to be. But yes, I *am* a busy physician in the physical world, so the delays in getting back to peoples’ messages in the virtual world.
      Best regards,


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