
​Welcome to Dr. Herbz, the health and nutrition newsletter of Dr. Harshad Rajandekar’s Gadaantak Clinic, Nasik (India). Click here to go directly to the latest articles, or continue on this page to know more about us.

Gadaantak‘ in Sanskrit, means ‘The Ender of all Illness’, and is a eulogy used for referring to the Ashwinikumars, surgeons to the gods. At Gadaantak Clinic, we believe in combining the best of Ayurveda and modern science to deliver optimally personalized, result-oriented and affordable healthcare to all patients, without the side-effects of conventional treatments and complexity of purely traditional treatments. We also offer pure traditional Ayurvedic treatments and holistic wellness therapies as per patient’s preferences.

We also provide online consultations with prior appointment. To know more, leave us a message at the contact page here​ , and we’ll get back to you at earliest.

We look forward to serve our motto to the fullest in practice –

स्वास्थ्यरक्षणाय गदनिग्रहणाय च।

(“For protecting health, and banishing illness.”)

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